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Review bolttech’s legal policies relating to your use of this website and any data that you provide to us.

Privacy Notice

June 2023

Personal Information Collection Statement ("PICS")

  • 1.From time to time, it is necessary for you to supply bolttech Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited (the "Company") or agents and representatives acting on its behalf with personal information and particulars in connection with our services and products. Failure to provide the necessary information and particulars may result in the Company being unable to provide or continue to provide these services and products to you.
  • 2.The Company may also generate and compile additional personal data using the information and particulars provided by you. All personal data collected, generated and compiled by the Company about you from time to time is collectively referred to in this PICS as "Your Personal Data".
  • 3."Your Personal Data" will also include personal data relating to your dependents, beneficiaries, authorised representatives and other individuals in relation to which you have provided information. If you provide personal data on behalf of any person you confirm that you are either their parent or guardian or you have obtained that person's consent to provide that personal data for use by the Company for the purposes set out in this PICS.
  • 4.As detailed in this PICS, Your Personal Data may also be processed by the Company's subsidiaries, holding companies, associated or affiliated companies and companies controlled by or under common control with the Company (collectively, "the bolttech Group").
  • 5.The purposes for which Your Personal Data may be used are as follows:

(i) providing our services and products to you, including administering, maintaining, managing and operating such services and products;

(ii) processing, assessing and determining any applications or requests made by you in connection with our services or products and maintaining your account with the Company;

(iii) developing insurance and other financial services and products;

(iv) developing and maintaining credit and risk related models;

(v) processing payment instructions;

(vi) determining any indebtedness owing to or from you, and collecting and recovering any amount owing from you or any person who has provided any security or other undertakings for your liabilities;

(vii) exercising any rights that the Company may have in connection with our services and/or products;

(viii) carrying out and/or verifying any eligibility, credit, physical, medical, security, underwriting and/or identity checks in connection with our services and products;

(ix) any purposes in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any of our services or products, including, making, defending, analysing, investigating, processing, assessing, determining, responding to, resolving or settling such claims and detecting and preventing fraud (whether or not relating to the policy issued in respect of this application);

(x) performing policy reviews and needs analysis (whether or not on a regular basis);

(xi) meeting disclosure obligations and other requirements imposed by or for the purposes of any laws, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines (whether applicable in or outside Hong Kong) binding on the Company or any other member of the bolttech Group, including making disclosure to any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities (including for compliance with sanctions laws, the prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities) or to any self-regulatory or industry bodies such as federations or associations of insurers;

(xii) for statistical or actuarial research undertaken by the Company or any member of the bolttech Group; and

(xiii) fulfilling any other purposes directly related to (i) to (xii) above.

  • 6.Your Personal Data will be kept confidential, but to facilitate the purposes set out in paragraph 5 above, the Company may transfer, disclose, grant access to or share Your Personal Data (whether within or outside Hong Kong) with the following:

(i) other members of the bolttech Group;

(ii) any person or company carrying on insurance-related and/or reinsurance-related business which is engaged by the Company in connection with the Company's business;

(iii) any physicians, hospitals, clinics, medical practitioners, laboratories, technicians, loss adjustors, risk intelligence providers, claims investigators, organizations that consolidate claims and underwriting information for the insurance industry, fraud prevention organizations, other insurance companies (whether directly or through fraud prevention organizations or other persons named in this paragraphs), the police and databases or registers (and their operators) used by the insurance industry to analyze and check information provided against existing information, legal advisors and/or other professional advisors engaged in connection with the Company's business;

(iv) any agent, contractor or service provider providing administrative, distribution, credit reference, debt collection, telecommunications, computer, call centre, data processing, payment processing, printing, redemption or other services in connection with the Company's business; and/or

(v) any official, regulator, ministry, law enforcement agent or other person (whether within or outside Hong Kong) to whom the Company or another member of the bolttech Group is under an obligation or otherwise required or expected to make disclosures under the requirements of any law, rules, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines (whether applicable in or outside Hong Kong).

  • 7.Your Personal Data may be transferred or disclosed to any assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of all or any substantial part of the Company's business.
  • 8.The Company is only allowed to (i) use Your Personal Data in direct marketing; or (ii) provide Your Personal Data to another person or company for its use in direct marketing, if you provide your consent or do not object in writing.
  • 9.In connection with direct marketing, the Company intends:

(i) to use your name, contact details (such as phone number, email address and mailing address), gender, services and products portfolio information, financial background and demographic data held by the Company from time to time in direct marketing to market the following classes of services and products offered by the Company, other members of the bolttech Group and/or Our Business Partners (being providers of the product and services described below) from time to time, with the prior written consent from the Company:

a.insurance services and products; b.wealth management services and products; c.health-check and wellness services and products; d.media, entertainment and telecommunications services; e.reward, loyalty or privileges programmes and related services and products; and f.donations and contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes; and

(ii) to provide your name and contact details (such as phone number, email address and mailing address), gender, services and products portfolio information, financial background and demographic data to any members of the bolttech Group and/or Our Business Partners for their use in direct marketing the classes of services and products described in paragraph 9(i) above (including, in the case of Our Business Partners, for money or other commercial benefit).

The Company intends to send you marketing communications or materials and use Your Personal Data in accordance with paragraphs 8 & 9 above. If you do not agree to receive such marketing communications or the Company’s intended use of Your Personal Data, you may write to the Data Protection Officer of the Company at the address below or visit the Company’s online portal at https://www.bolttechinsurance.hk/en/privacy-portal to opt-out from direct marketing at any time.

Data Protection Officer
bolttech Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited

9/F, 308 Central Des Voeux,
No. 308 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan
Hong Kong

  • 10.To facilitate the purposes set out in paragraphs 5 and 9 above, the Company may transfer, disclose, grant access to or share Your Personal Data with the parties set out in paragraphs 6 and 9(ii) and you acknowledge that those parties may be based outside Hong Kong and that Your Personal Data may be transferred to places where there may not be in place data protection laws which are substantially similar to, or serve the same purposes as, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

  • 11.Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance you have the right to request access to Your Personal Data held by the Company and request correction of any of Your Personal Data which is incorrect and the Company has the right to charge you a reasonable fee for processing and complying with your data access request.

  • 12.Requests for access to or correction of Your Personal Data should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer of the Company at the address above or through the Company’s online portal at https://www.bolttechinsurance.hk/en/privacy-portal. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Hotline on (+852) 2603 9435.

  • 13.In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this PICS, the English version shall apply and prevail.

  • 14.The Company reserves the right, at any time effective upon notice to you, to add to, change, update or modify this PICS.

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